Take the opportunity right in front of you to TAKE ACTION, GET INVOLVED, AND IMPACT YOUR COMMUNITY.
Help Valhalla Parents' Choice make a difference!
There are many ways to help from showing up at Board of Education meetings, rallies, brainstorming sessions, volunteering, contributing your resources, skills, time, whether it is just showing up and showing your face, to just being present at a meeting to show your support, printing and/or handing out materials, walking door-to-door to create awareness and/or to get signatures, spreading the word and recruiting like-minded members to join our group, and/or providing a donation to cover for expenses like printed and/or promotional materials, our webpage. We are all volunteers supporting a cause we feel strongly about and we look forward to having you STAND WITH US.
Visit the Take Action page to learn more
Become part of Valhalla Parents' Choice and connect with many others like you! Help us make a difference and be part of something you feel strongly about! We provide many community updates, discussions, and strategies towards make a positive change in our Valhalla school district and community.
You must fill out the form on our "Join Us" page. Click the link below to be redirected to the page with the form
In support of our cause, there is a Facebook group called NYSCER. They are currently working hard every day alongside our group to STOP MANDATES WITH OUR CHILDREN IN THE SCHOOLS, providing daily action steps to those who are interested in involvement, but who aren't sure where to start.
NYSCER stands for "New York State Children's Education Rights."
Useful information with daily take action steps are posted daily.
Visit their page by clicking the link below
Valhalla Parents' Choice was created by volunteers who care passionately about this issue.
Since expenses to keep this group active, relevant, and running include fees that can get costly such as funding a webpage, hosting, design, contact #, as well as funding for ongoing printing of educational and promotional materials, we could use some help since the money to cover these expenses is coming from a select few volunteers' pockets.
We would appreciate any help to cover these expenses in order to keep Valhalla Parents' Choice running smoothly.
Donations would be much appreciated as they would assist in reimbursing members who put forth their own money to cover these expenses.